October 3, 2011

Sam's Club & General Mill's Pink Giveaway

Can you believe it's October already? There are clues everywhere around here, from the 'nice-ish' morning weather, the ripe Utah peaches, and professional football players wearing hot pink. Even if it's still hot here, it's officially October and breast cancer awareness month already. Last night my mom said, "I know it's October when my Yoplait's have pink lids!" MyBlogSpark recently contacted me and let me know that Sam´s Club stores are featuring pink packaging on participating General Mills products for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This cause is close to my heart as my mom and grandma both fought and beat breast cancer. I don't know anyone who hasn't somehow been touched by this disease and appreciate all the efforts made to finding a cure.

This month if you purchase specially-marked General Mills products like Cheerios at your local Sam´s Club you can help decide how half of that contribution will be donated by voting at PinkTogether.com. General Mills´ donations will be divided between two important Komen programs: the Treatment and Assistance Program, which assists women in securing care they otherwise may not be able to afford, and Prevention Research, which helps unlock the keys to preventing breast cancer. Voting results will be announced on Mother´s Day 2012. You can see more about PinkTogether on their Facebook page.

It's no secret that we love General Mills products around here. For 5 years, General Mills has partnered with the Susan G. Komen for the Cure® Foundation and this year they are making their annual donation of $2 million to the foundation to advance breast cancer research and support education and community outreach projects.

And now for the giveaway! MyBlogSpark provided me with a $25 Sam's Club Giftcard to share with one of you (US Residents Only Please!) To enter the giveaway, please leave a comment letting me know how you give back to help the fight against breast cancer or your favorite General Mills products you would love to see featured in the Pink Promotion at Sam´s Club (I'm going to be getting a giant box of Chocolate Cheerios, along with the usual big bag of flour, sugar, and butter- my bulk staples!) This giveaway will close on 10/10/11 at midnight. Leave a comment before then to be entered (good luck!)

"Disclosure: The information and gift card(s) have been provided by Sam´s Club and General Mills through MyBlogSpark."

Chocolate Cheerio Crust
by Anne Strawberry

2 1/2 Cups Chocolate Cheerios, crushed (in a baggie with a mallet or in the food processor)
1/4 Cup Melted Butter
1 Tablespoon Sugar
1 Tablespoon Cocoa Powder (I like Hershey's special dark)

Preheat the oven to 350. Combine all ingredients and press into four mini springform pans or one regular springform. A pie pan will also work if that's all you have. Make sure the layer is even and not too thick. Bake for 8 minutes and set aside to cool completely. 


  1. I sponsor friends that participate in Komen walks.

  2. Thanks for this post, Anne! I work at the Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition, the only statewide breast cancer org in PA. We do so much for the newly-diagnosed, long-term survivors and their families. We sure don't have Komen's budget but we do tons with the little we have! Feel free to check us out at www.pbcc.me.

  3. My favorite GM product is reeses puffs!

  4. I would like to see the General Mills brand Haagen Dazs be a part of the pink ribbon campaign. What a great giveaway.

  5. I would love to see Nature Valley in the pink campaign
    littlegray88 at yahoo dot com

  6. Thanks for this post. We walk for the cure every year, in honor of those that we love who have fought valiantly against cancer.

  7. I donate at the grocery store. Wow, this post has so many great recipes. Score!

  8. My family and I participate in the Komen walk each year. It's nice to see so many people out for a common cause.

  9. What a great giveaway for a wonderful cause. We go through a lot of cereal in our house, especially Multigrain Cheerios. That gift card would keep us stocked for a quite a while!

  10. I love Reese's puffs and would love to get more involved with the fight against cancer!

  11. I'm drooling after looking at those yummy pictures!


  12. I would like to see Cheerios and I am hoping to sponsor a walker for Relay for life.

  13. I always purchase pink products and my fav GM product is the cinnamon toast crunch cereal

    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  14. I would love to see the General Mills Basic 4 cereal in the pink ribbon box! :)

  15. My fav product is Cinnamon Toast Crunch!

    Laurasu82 at yahoo.com

  16. I donate and purchase pink ribbon products to support.

  17. My mom has breast cancer and since then I continue to spread the word about how important it is to have mammograms, sponsored friends in the Komen walk, and purchase products that donate a portion to the research of breast cancer. Also
    I help my sister with her "comforting blankets" which is where she gives all cancer patients a blanket to help give them comfort in their time of sadness.

  18. I "round up" at the grocery store to support finding the cure. Lost my maternal grandmother to breast cancer.

  19. I always donate to the American Cancer Society every year

  20. I love I love Reese's puff.


  21. My grandmother fought and beat breast cancer. I walk in the Komen walks for her.

  22. I take care of my mother who is struggling with an ongoing battle of Cancer. She was first diagnosed on Oct. 22, 2008 and has since undergone 3 different treatments with Chemotherapy and surgery. She has also participated in several different studies in order to help researchers find a cure and we both participate in a phone support group to help newly diagnosed patients. We also do the Walk for a Cure, Cancer walk each year.

  23. We just had our annual Relay for Life and raised over $14,000 for cancer research--pretty good for our small town of 800 people. Not sure how much goes toward breast cancer research, but I know some of it does.

    sharonjo at gwtc dot net

  24. I donate money and urge people to get mammograms.
    my mom is a 5 year breast cancer survivor

  25. I love Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Honey Nut Cheerios.

  26. I don't really do that stuff but I gave cookies to a retirement home once :/

  27. I'd be happy to purchase my favorite GM cereals (Honey Nut Cheerios and Cinnamon Toast Crunch) especially if they have are a part of the pink ribbon campaign.

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    misterjimmy at sbcglobal dot net

  28. I donate and try to buy participating pink products!
    reklaw422 at hotmail dot com

  29. We raise money at my office, shamedly, through a curse jar for the Susan G. Komen Foundation! I would love to see Nature Valley participate in the campaign. Love those new Granola Thins in peanut butter.
    reporterkc at hotmail DOT com

  30. Recipes look great. Thanks for supporting Breast Cancer Awareness.

