March 31, 2010


 It's no secret that I am in love with my KitchenAid (which looks more cinnamon in this picture but is actually a proud Empire Red), but I also have a special place in my heart for my knives. They're sharp and quick and the French Chef (the big one of course, we don't really have anything "petite" at our house, minus Baby Strawberry who is 50th percentile) is my very favorite. I can't do without them so it's really hard to get them sharpened. Sending my babies away for a couple weeks? No way! Does anyone else have this problem? Really, I'm not sure how I'll make a salad, much less an entire meal without my French Chef. But I'm having surgery on my right wrist today (and I can't so much as pick up a knife with my left hand) so I figured now was as good of time as any to send my babies off! So I'm going to be sans recipes for a while (though I'll try to drag up some I've been saving. I'm not sure what kind of cast I'm going to have, though, so typing may or may not work out! Although I did get pretty good at the one handed typing when Baby Strawberry was tiny!)

Don't forget to enter the giveaway and have an awesome week!


  1. Ooh, hope the surgery goes well! Take care, you and your knives! ;)

  2. My knives are so dull, they're not even worth having!

    I hope your surgery/recovery goes well! Hope you will be back here typing away, in no time!

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your wrist. I hope everything goes well for you and your family. Oh, and I am planning on trying out your strawberry lemonade bars this weekend.

  4. I'm so sorry you have to have surgery! Yikes, no fun! Hope you heal quickly!

  5. I know just what you mean about your empire red KitchenAid (I have one that color too!), and your sharp knives. I hope your surgery goes well, and that you're back in the saddle--with your knives and your keyboard--very soon.

  6. I hope your surgery is painless and you're back in the kitchen soon!

    I'm lucky to have a great knife sharpening place within a mile of my house. I take them in one morning and pick them up on the way home from work the next day. I'd suggest check with your local hounds on Chowhound, they may have suggestions for something nearby...

  7. Hope your surgery goes well. I need to send my knives off, but haven't been able to do without them yet. :)
