August 11, 2009

TWD- Brownie Buttons

I made these cute brownie buttons last summer and was so infatuated a left an embarrassingly adoring comment on Dorie's blog. This time I made them early- I couldn't wait since they were so great last time! The chocolate is complimented but an almost undetectable flavor from the orange zest. The white chocolate is perfect on top and looks great, too. I added some sprinkles this time around because I was making these as a birthday treat and thought that would be festive.
When you make these (a great use of your mini muffin pan, by the way) I'd recommend a few things:

~Use a chocolate you love since the flavor really comes through
~Thoroughly grease the muffin tins so you can remove the brownies (a thin knife is also helpful in this task)
~Fill the muffin tins 2/3 or 3/4 of the way full- they won't really rise, but you'll need the extra height for dipping the brownies
~Freeze any leftovers to enjoy later- they thaw out great and even taste awesome frozen!

Grab the recipe here, from the last time I made them, or on Jayma's blog. You won't be disappointed (and the mini factor- people will be so impressed by this simple and easy dessert!)


  1. Those look adorable! We skipped the white chocolate.

  2. Your buttons are gorgeous! I love the sprinkles on top. I liked these too!

  3. How cute with the sprinkles! I haven't made these yet due to work/back issues and am kind of on the fence (for me to be on the fence with anything chocolate, the world must be grinding to a halt!) Your tips are great and I'll keep them in mind when I do make these.

  4. Oooh, how adorable! I like how you exercised restraint with the sprinkles... so precious.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Excellent advice. I didn't use nearly good enough chocolate and it was noticeable.
    Love your photos!

  7. I used Bakers Joy to spray my pan with, and it worked out perfectly.

    Yours are so cute.

    I frosted mine with orange cream cheese frosting.

  8. These are adorable. The sprinkles are a nice, festive touch!

  9. Your brownie buttons look adorable! We loved them too; my only regret was not doubling (or tripling!) the recipe!

  10. I like the sprinkles, we liked the buttons too.

    Ulrike @ Küchenlatein

  11. These are so cute. The sprinkles are perfect for a party!

  12. Your buttons look awesome!! I absolutely loved these!! What a prefect little treat!

  13. They look delicious and adorable.

  14. Cute buttons. I'm glad you liked them.

  15. those look great. Your frosting worked out much bettr than mine.

  16. Yours are super cute!!! I love them!!! :)

  17. Great suggestions at the end. I couldn't agree more.

  18. I love the idea for freezing them (that is, if there are any leftover). Your buttons are too cute!

  19. They look great. These weren't my favorite, BUT, I just tasted another one, two days old and really liked it this time--by it, I mean the orange flavor. Really good.

  20. Love the sprinkles on your brownie buttons.

  21. These are super little snacks- no guilt 'cause they are so small. Problem is- I will eat more than one!

  22. Your brownie buttons look soo sweet with the sprinkles on top! I love that you left an adoring comment on Dorie's blog! I often felt like doing the same!

  23. So cute--I love anything in mini "button" form! ;-)
